Associate Level

Associate Level is intended for practitioners working with struggling readers of all ages, including those with dyslexia, in individual or group settings. Until completing the Certified Level of certification, it is recommended that members work under the mentorship of an OGA Fellow.

  • The Associate practitioner is certified by OGA to provide Orton-Gillingham instruction in accordance with the Associate Level standards described in the Curriculum Handbook.
  • The Associate practitioner is not certified to provide OGA training or supervision.

The following are minimum requirements. It is up to the discretion of the Fellow if more coursework and/or practicum hours are required.

Prerequisites Bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution in any area of study
Coursework Option A: 60 hours (minimum) or Option B: 70 hours, by a Fellow or by a Fellow-in-Training (FIT) as designated by the Fellow

June 1, 2025: all Associate Coursework is 70 hours.

November 11, 2025: There is one path to Associate Certification.

Practicum 100 lessons supervised practicum over 8 consecutive months (minimum), which includes 10 entire 40-60 minute lesson observations of the trainee conducted by a Fellow (7 out 10 observations may be by a FIT or Clinical Supervisor (CS) as designated by the Fellow) on-site, unedited video or web-based application

  • Minimum of 100 practicum lessons of a complete OG lesson for 1:1. (Up to 30 lessons may be with a small group defined as 2-3 students with permission from the Fellow)
  • Minimum of ten observations teaching a complete lesson. (Up to 3 observations may be of a small group defined as 2-3 students with permission from the Fellow). Additional observations are at the discretion of the Fellow.
Readings CLICK HERE FOR 2020 ASSOCIATE READING LIST with OGA Overview Update


Curriculum Associate curriculum guidelines
Application Application to the Academy through the SurveyMonkey Apply website including 2 letters of support
Warranty Associate Warranty
Code of Ethics
OGA Code of Ethics

Application Fee: $200 (includes first-year dues, and if deferred a nonrefundable fee of $60)

Yearly Dues: $110 (beginning in January 2024)

  • $200 Application Fee (beginning in January 2024)
  • Submission Deadlines: March 10th, July 10th, or November 10th
  • Yearly Dues: $110 (first year dues included in application fee)

Decision letters are mailed as follows: 

  • March 10th Deadline: Decisions in June 
  • July 10th Deadline: Decisions in October
  • November 10th Deadline: Decisions in February

The training curriculum for the Associate level includes the following goals of the Orton-Gillingham (OG) Approach.

Goal 1 The Associate in training (the trainee) understands the rationale for selecting the Orton-Gillingham Approach for individuals with dyslexia.
Goal 2 The Associate trainee has knowledge and skill to provide instruction working under the supervision of a Fellow of the Academy.
Goal 3 The Associate trainee adheres to the Academy’s Code of Ethics and understands the privileges and responsibilities of the Associate member.

Trainees will demonstrate understanding of and ability to teach the following instructional topics:

  1. Reading Acquisition in All Learners including the brain basis of reading and the essential components of good reading instruction.
  2. Dyslexia
  3. The Orton-Gillingham Approach
  4. Assessment
  5. The Lesson Plan
  6. Adaptation of Orton-Gillingham for Classroom Instruction

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What is my first step?

Locate an Academy Fellow or an Academy Accredited Training Program