Karen Sheehy, F/OGA

The coursework and practicum meets the Academy standards at the Associate level.

Practicum: Once the course content is completed, a required supervised practicum takes place. Trainees enrolled in this course must demonstrate mastery of the skills learned in theory by teaching one student with dyslexia (or suspected SLD) under the supervision of the Fellow. Each trainee will plan 100 lessons to be taught a minimum of 45 minutes to 1 hr. twice a week on opposite days (e.g. M/W, T/TH) SOAP Notes are to be kept and submitted to the Fellow or FIT with each lesson plan. A minimum of 10 formal observations must be completed. The trainee will submit a video along with the lesson plan and completed student work. After viewing the lesson, the Fellow or FIT will contact the trainee to discuss the strengths and areas for improvement. Trainees are required to keep a teacher and student notebook for use during the practicum. The notebooks should be organized and up to date. Upon successful completion of the practicum, trainees may be recommended to apply for membership to the Academy at the Associate level.

Prerequisite: Bachelor’s Degree

Fellow: Karen Sheehy, F/OGA, Michelle Norris, FIT/OGA